The Radix DM Grabber is the local client program that gives users access to the functions of Radix DM, including save, search and administration.
The initial administration screen will resemble the following screen shot. There are a number of screen elements that make up the Radix DM Administration program, these are marked with numbers as follows:
This section allows the user to see and choose an area of the program to administer.
Information about the various objects in the system can be viewed here, and further operations performed on selected items.
There are five Navigation Tabs which break the Administration program into a number of sub sections. These tabs are:
Global Settings
The currently selected Navigation Tab is highlighted and the name appears at the top of the Navigation Panel. When the program starts, the initially selected Navigation Tab will be Libraries. To change selection, simply click on the desired Navigation Tab.
Within each Navigation Tab there are a number of Menu Items that allow the user to select an object to administer. Objects corresponding to the selected Menu Item appear in the Object Panel where new objects can be added and existing objects can be edited or deleted. For example, within the Libraries Navigation Tab, there exists the option to administer Fields, Library Groups and Remote Databases. To change selection, simply click on the desired Menu Item, e.g. if you select the Library Groups Menu Item, then the list of the Library Groups that exist within the system will be displayed in the Object Panel.
Once the desired Menu Item has been selected, you can perform operations on objects that appear in the Object Panel by selecting one of these Function Buttons. The various functions are:
Add – To add a new object of the selected type.
Edit – To edit an existing item of the selected type.
Delete – To delete an item of the selected type. Often you will need to confirm this operation, as deleting objects in Radix Administration will have an impact on existing document information. Sometimes you will not be able to delete an item if doing so goes against rules put in place to prevent accidental operations. These conditions and rules are covered in the Administrator Reference.
Empty (Library Groups only) – To empty a Library Group of documents. This operation is discussed in more detail in the Administrator Reference.
Now that the basics of how to navigate around the Radix DM Administration program has been covered, we can conceive of a real world scenario which will take us through the process and steps required to set up a fully functioning Radix DM installation. In this way you can take the methods and lessons learnt in this tutorial and apply it to your own workplace quickly and effectively.