Extranet User Functions

Extranet User Functions

Available Documents

Displays the list of available Searches that can be performed to allow end user access to the relevant documents.


The Object Panel will display the following for each downloaded document:

Downloaded By: The Radix DM Extranet user who downloaded the document.

Download Date: The date the document was downloaded.

DocID: The Radix DM Document ID of the downloaded document.

Profile Name: The Radix DM Extranet Profile that was used to access this document.

Search Title:  The name of the Search that was used to access this document.

VersionID: The version of the downloaded document.

Title: The Radix DM title of the document.

Extension: The extension of the document file.


Upload Files

If permissions have been granted, users are able to upload files into the Radix DM Extranet where staff can see what the context of the documents are from the profile (if one has been selected) and Comments (if left).

Users are able to reload files back into Radix DM from a local file location.  Searches, Profiles and Users can all be assigned folders, which are used as the destination of file uploads.  Once these files have been loaded by a user, a Manager can save these files into Radix DM by using the File Uploads functiuon.


To upload files through the Radix DM Extranet, click on the User Functions Navigations Tab and the Upload Files Menu Item.  A list of Profiles and Searches that this user has access to will appear in the Object Panel.


To upload a file through Radix DM Extranet, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a Search or a Profile from the list that appear in the section Select the Profile or Search that you want to upload document/s for.
  2. In the section Select the file/s that you want to upload, click the button Browse… to select a file to upload.  Once the file has been selected, the full path to the file will appear in the text box.  To remove this file from the upload, click on the button Remove
  3. For each additional file to upload, click the Add button.  A new text box will appear; use the Browse… and Remove buttons for this file as described previously.
  4. When you have selected all the files that you would like to upload for this Profile or Search, click the button Upload.  The list of files that you have selected appear in a section Optionally add comments to uploaded file/s.
  5. For each file in this section, you can click on the button Edit to change the optional comments associated with this file.

Change Theme

Users can customise the appearance of the Radix DM Extranet through the selection of a predetermined colour theme. 


To access colour themes in Radix DM Extranet, click on the User Functions Navigation Tab and the Change Theme Menu Item.


To change the default colour theme, select a new theme from the dropdown Select one of the available themes and click the Set as Default Theme button.

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