When users want to make a change to files that they have accessed through Radix DM they use the Upload Files function to prepare these files to be imported into Radix DM. These files can then be saved into Radix DM by an administrator.
Every file that is available for upload to Radix DM has the following:
FileUploadID: A unique identifier for this File Upload.
Profile Name: The name of the Profile if one was selected when the file was uploaded.
Uploaded By: The username of the user who uploaded the file.
Comments: Comments associated with the selected file upload.
Upload Date: The date the file was uploaded.
Search Title: The name of the Search if one was selected when the file was uploaded.
File Path: The current path of the uploaded file before it is imported into Radix DM.
Processed: This check box indicates whether the file has been marked as processed, i.e. imported into Radix DM.
These details can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
To import an uploaded file through Radix DM Extranet, perform the following steps:
At any point during the process, the button Reset in the section Reset / Start again can be clicked to clear all selections that have been made during Steps 1 and 2.
All individuals that use the Radix DM Extranet must be added to the system through this area.
The Object Panel will display the following for each user:
UserID: The Radix DM User ID of the user.
Username: The name of the user as used within the Radix DM Extranet.
Windows Logon: The Windows logon name of the user.
Password: The password used by the user to logon to the Radix DM Extranet.
Disabled: This check box indicates whether the user is currently active. If an active user is no longer required, it is recommended that this check box be unchecked rather than be deleted.
Expiry Date: After this date, the user will not be able to logon to Radix DM Extranet.
Read Only: This check box indicates whether the user has read only access to the files provided through the Radix DM Extranet and is therefore unable to upload files.
Email Address: The email address of the user.
External User: This check box indicates whether the user exists outside of company or company network.
Upload Folder: The folder on the server where files that are uploaded by this user are uploaded to. O nce these files are updated, an Extranet manager can import those files into Radix DM from this location.
Manager: This check box indicates whether the user is considered a manager, which is the equivalent of an administrator for Radix DM Extranet.
Last Logon: The last time this user successfully logged in.
By clicking on the "+" symbol at the start of each column, information about the Profiles available to each user can also be revealed:
Profile Name: The Radix DM Extranet Profile that this user has permission to access.
Read Only: This check box indicates whether uploading is possible against this profile or search and that files can only be downloaded.
A number of functions can be performed on each user:
New: Details for a new user can be entered.
Edit: Details for an existing user can be amended.
Delete: The currently selected user is deleted.
These details can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Searches within Radix DM Extranet are linked to Favourite Searches in Radix DM that have been shared. The set of documents that are available to users in a Search are those that are returned by the linked Favourite Search. Additional rules govern when Searches expire and are therefore no longer available for use.
The Object Panel will display the following for each Search:
Search ID: A unique identifier for this Search.
Search Title: The name assigned to this Search within Radix DM Extranet.
Radix DM Saved Search: The name of the Favourite Search within Radix DM linked to this Search.
ExpiryDate: If the Can Expire check box is checked for this Search, this is the date that the Search will expire.
Can Expire: This check box indicates whether the Search is set to expire after which time it cannot be used to access documents.
Group Level 1: This is the name of the column to optionally group the search results with.
Grouping is something that can be done to make the results have share the context of the field selected, though can make it a little more difficult when selecting files.
Group Level 2: This is the name of the second level column to optionally group the search results with/
Read Only: If this check box is checked, documents can only be downloaded through this search, uploading will not be possible.
Disabled: If this check box is checked, the Search is not publicly available to users in Radix DM Extranet.
A number of functions can be performed on each Search:
New: Details for a new Search can be entered.
Edit: Details for an existing Search can be amended.
Delete: The currently selected Search is deleted.
These details can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Searches within Radix DM Extranet are linked to Favourite Searches in Radix DM that have been shared. The set of documents that are available to users in a Search are those that are returned by the linked Favourite Search. Additional rules govern when Searches expire and are therefore no longer available for use.
To access Profiles in Radix DM Extranet, click on the Administration Navigation Tab and the Profiles Menu Item.
The Object Panel will display the following for each Profile:
ProfileID: A unique identifier for this Profile.
Profile Name: The name assigned to this Profile within Radix DM Extranet.
Disabled: If this check box is checked, the Profile is not publicly available to users in Radix DM Extranet.
Expiry Date: If the Can Expire check box is checked for this Profile, this is the date that the Profile will expire.
Can Expire: When this checkbox is not checked, it ignores the expiry Date, if it is checked, then it will cause the profile to expire after the expiry date, after which time it cannot be used to access documents.
Read Only: If this check box is checked, documents that are accessed through this Profile cannot be uploaded up to Radix DM.
Upload Base Path: The UNC path to a folder where documents can be uploaded against this profile.
Download Notify: The option will send an email to the profile manager/s when an Extranet use downloads files.
Upload Notify: The option will send an email to the profile manager/s when an Extranet use uploads files.
Acknowledge Downloads: The option will email a list of to the profile manager/s when an Extranet use uploads files.
Acknowledge Uploads:
By clicking on the "+" symbol at the start of each column, information about the Searches that belong to this Profile can also be revealed:
Search Name: The name of this Search that has been assigned to this Profile.
Read Only: This check box indicates whether the documents that are accessible through this Search can be edited or changed by users.
Disabled: If this check box is checked, the Search is not publicly available to users in Radix DM Extranet.
Upload Folder:
A number of functions can be performed on each Profile:
New: Details for a new Profile can be entered.
Edit: Details for an existing Profile can be amended.
Delete: The currently selected Profile is deleted.
These details can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Administrators can customise the appearance of the Radix DM Extranet for all users through the selection of a predetermined colour theme.
To change the default colour theme, select a new theme from the dropdown Select one of the available themes and click the Set as Default Theme button.
The Radix DM Extranet can be configured by administrators. Please note: any changes to website configuration will cause the site to reload, and this will likely disconnect any active users and force them to log on again.
General Configuration Tab
Website Company Name: The name of the company.
Internal Base URL: The URL to access the Radix DM Extranet for internal users in Radix DM.
External Base URL: The URL to access the Radix DM Extranet for external users not in Radix DM.
Email From: The email address from which notification emails are sent.
Mail Server: The mail server used to send notification emails.
Search Notification Email Subject: The subject of all notification emails sent to users.
Manager Notification Email Subject: The subject of all notification emails sent to managers.
Default Session Timeout (Minutes): The length in time of minutes a user’s session may be inactive before they must log in again.
Website Header Image Tab
Administrators can change the image displayed at the top of each page in the Radix DM Extranet. To do this, select an image file in the section Select a Header Image and then click the Save button. To remove a file from the list of available image files, click the Delete button. To add a new file to the list of available image files, click the Browse button, select the desired file and click the Upload option.
Notifications are a way for managers to communicate information about events that have occurred in Radix DM Extranet via email. There are two types of notifications that can be sent to users: information for specified managers and emails that can be sent to all users about the availability of certain documents. These notifications can be sent on an as required basis and also at regularly scheduled intervals.
To send notification emails to users, choose an option from the section Send Immediate Notification. To send a notification email to a specific manager, choose that manager’s name from the dropdown Send Manager Notifications, or select the Select All check box to send the notification to all managers instead. Finally, click the Send button to send the notification. To send an email notification to all users about click on the Send button next to Send Available Document Notifications.
The schedule of regular notifications appears in the section Notification Scheduling. The following is shown for each scheduled notification:
Schedule Item: One of two options: Administration Notification for a notification to be sent to managers or Client Search Notification for users.
Run Once: This check box indicates whether the notification is scheduled to run once only or if it is set up to run at regular intervals.
Days of Week: The days of the week that the notification will be sent out.
Start Time: The time that the notification will be sent out on each of the desired Days of Week.
Disabled: If this check box is checked, this scheduled notification will not be delivered.
Last Run: The last date the notification was sent.
Comment: Any recorded comments about the scheduled notification.
Run Comment:
A number of functions can be performed on each scheduled notification:
New: Details for a new scheduled notification can be entered.
Edit: Details for an existing scheduled notification can be amended.
Delete: The currently selected scheduled notification is deleted.
Each Radix DM Extranet installation requires a license to run for a specified number of users. This information is provided by Radix DM support staff as part of the sales and installation procedure and should be entered verbatim as supplied.
The Object Panel will display the following for each downloaded license:
LicenseID: A unique identifier for this license.
License URL: The URL that this site is licensed to run from.
URL Code: The security key encoded from License URL.
User Count: The maximum number of active users that that this license is valid for.
User Count Code: The security key encoded from User Count.
Active: This check box indicates whether the license code is currently active. If an active license is no longer required, it is recommended that this check box be unchecked rather than be deleted.
A number of functions can be performed on each license:
New: Details for a new license can be entered.
Edit: Details for an existing license can be amended.
Delete: The currently selected license is deleted.
It is expected that each installation will be provided with an initial license for the License URL "localhost", valid for a number of small number of users which can be used for localised testing.