Administrators have the ability to view details of all files that have been downloaded by users through the Radix DM Extranet.
The Object Panel will display the following for each downloaded document:
Downloaded By: The Radix DM Extranet user who downloaded the document.
Download Date: The date the document was downloaded.
DocID: The Radix DM Document ID of the downloaded document.
Profile Name: The Radix DM Extranet Profile that was used to access this document.
Search Title: The name of the Search that was used to access this document.
VersionID: The version of the downloaded document.
Title: The Radix DM title of the document.
Extension: The extension of the document file.
These results can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Administrators have the ability to view details of all logon attempts to the Radix DM Extranet.
The Object Panel will display the following for each logon attempt:
Username: The Radix DM Extranet name that the user attempted to log on with.
Logon Date: The date of the attempted logon.
Audit Type: The result of the log in attempt: either "Successful Logon" or "Failed Logon".
Comments: Any recorded comments about the logon.
These results can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Administrators have the ability to view details of all files that have been uploaded to the Radix DM Extranet.
The Object Panel will display data for each upload.
These results can be exported to XLS, CSV, PDF and RTF formats by selecting the appropriate option and clicking the button Export Results To.
Selecting this Menu Item logs the currently logged in user out of the Radix DM Extranet.